Fission-track ages of late Pliocene to Pleistocene strata around the eastern margin of the Yokote Basin active fault zone, northeast Japan
小坂 英輝*; 楮原 京子; 三輪 敦志*; 今泉 俊文*; 黒澤 英樹; 野原 壯

Kosaka, Hideki*; Kagohara, Kyoko; Miwa, Atsushi*; Imaizumi, Toshifumi*; Kurosawa, Hideki; Nohara, Tsuyoshi
To understand the development process of the fault zone, fission-track ages of rocks and rock facies are investigated in western margin of the Ou Backbone Range of Northeast Japan. Fission-track dating was carried out for 5 acid volcanic rocks from the late Pliocene to Pleistocene strata which were deposit associated with mountain belt growth. Statistically significant ages obtained are 1.5
0.1 Ma (OB-03) and 1.85
0.1 Ma (YG-01) for the Tazawa Formation, 1.6
0.3 Ma (FT-01) for the Kurisawa Formation,0.93
0.14 Ma (FT-02) and 2.7
0.3 Ma (FT-03) for the Senya Formation. According to the fission-track dating in this study, ages of the mountain belt growth with acid volcanic activity are estimated to before 1 Ma.