Observational construction and behavior measurements for underground research shaft excavation of the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory project
山崎 雅直; 森岡 宏之*; 羽出山 吉裕*; 津坂 仁和
Yamazaki, Masanao; Morioka, Hiroshi*; Hatsuyama, Yoshihiro*; Tsusaka, Kimikazu
The underground research shafts and drifts have been constructed in Horonobe by JAEA. The observational construction program to reflect the various data obtained by the shaft excavation for designing and construction was setted on and is being presently applied. The support design was carried out by numerical analysis considering the excavating liberaring power according to the excavation progress. But, it was clear that measurement data of lining stress in G.L.-121m included the influence of extra lining thickness and excavation of drifts in G.L.-140m. We report on the outline of the observational construction program and the result of analyzing the measurement data of the lining stress.