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 年 ~ 

Frustrated minority spins in GeNi$$_2$$O$$_4$$


松田 雅昌; Chung, J.-H.*; Park, S.*; 佐藤 卓*; 松野 謙一郎*; 香取 浩子*; 高木 英典*; 加倉井 和久; 蒲沢 和也*; 角田 頼彦*; 籠宮 功*; Henley, C. L.*; Lee, S.-H.*

Matsuda, Masaaki; Chung, J.-H.*; Park, S.*; Sato, Taku*; Matsuno, Kenichiro*; Katori, Hiroko*; Takagi, Hidenori*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa; Kamazawa, Kazuya*; Tsunoda, Yorihiko*; Kagomiya, Isao*; Henley, C. L.*; Lee, S.-H.*


Recently, two consecutive phase transitions were observed, upon cooling, in an antiferromagnetic spinel GeNi$$_2$$O$$_4$$ at $$T_{N1}=12.1$$ K and $$T_{N2}=11.4$$ K, respectively. Using unpolarized and polarized elastic neutron scattering we show that the two transitions are due to the existence of frustrated minority spins in this compound. Upon cooling, at $$T_{N1}$$ the spins on the $$<$$111$$>$$ kagom$'e$ planes order ferromagnetically in the plane and antiferromagnetically between the planes (phase I), leaving the spins on the $$<$$111$$>$$ triangular planes that separate the kagom$'e$ planes frustrated and disordered. At the lower $$T_{N2}$$, the triangular spins also order in the $$<$$111$$>$$ plane (phase II). We also present a scenario involving exchange interactions that qualitatively explains the origin of the two purely magnetic phase transitions.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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