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Metastable H atoms from O 1s excitation/ionisation of H$$_2$$O


Harries, J.; 國分 美希*; 下條 竜夫*; 本間 健二*; Sullivan, J. P.*; 東 善郎*

Harries, J.; Kuniwake, Miki*; Gejo, Tatsuo*; Homma, Kenji*; Sullivan, J. P.*; Azuma, Yoshiro*


We report here on studies where metastable H$$^*$$ atoms are directly detected following the O 1s inner-shell excitation of the water molecule, revealing new information not accessible with the ion or photon techniques. Metastable H$$^*$$ yield differs to partial/total ion yields and H$$^*$$ fluorescence yield most strikingly near threshold, where a large peak is observed due to the capture of a Rydberg electron or slow photoelectron by a dissociation H$$^+$$ ion, analogous to a similar observation for N$$^*$$ production from N$$_2$$. The nature of the process is investigated by comparing the kinetic energies of H$$^+$$ and H$$^*$$ fragments, and also by detecting H$$^*$$ in coincidence with H$$^+$$, OH$$^+$$, and O$$^+$$ ions.



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