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 年 ~ 

気相水分子のO1s励起; 中性高励起フラグメントと寿命別蛍光

O1s excitation of gas-phase water; Highly-excited neutral fragments and lifetime-resolved fluorescence

Harries, J.; 國分 美希*; 本間 健二*; 下條 竜夫*; Sullivan, J. P.*; 東 善郎*

Harries, J.; Kuniwake, Miki*; Homma, Kenji*; Gejo, Tatsuo*; Sullivan, J. P.*; Azuma, Yoshiro*


Long-lived, highly-excited neutral hydrogen atoms are produced near the O 1s edge of the water molecule. This metastable yield has been studied, along with the kinetic energy of the particles. The excited particles also can decay via fluorescence to the ground state, and by lifetime-resolved detection of the fluorescence new information on the dissociation dynamics can be obtained.



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