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 年 ~ 

Velocity vector profile measurement using multiple ultrasonic transducers


大林 寛生  ; 田坂 裕司*; 今 誓志*; 武田 靖*

Obayashi, Hironari; Tasaka, Yuji*; Kon, Seiji*; Takeda, Yasushi*


This paper proposes a new technique that enables the measurement of the velocity vector in multi-dimensions on a line of the flow field. A system to achieve this goal was developed based on ultrasonic velocity profiling by using multiple transducers. A two-dimensional system was constructed and successfully applied to an actual flow field for two-dimensional velocity vector measurements. To estimate the influence of existence of a wall, acoustic field under the developed system was calculated by solving two-dimensional wave equation and then the focal point of an ultrasonic beam was determined to optimize the system. The system was applied to measure two directional velocity components of a periodic velocity fluctuation in a wake of a cylinder as an example of unsteady flow. Temporal variation of velocity vector profiles well represent the velocity fluctuation, and vorticity distribution, which is obtained from the spatial distribution of velocity vector, well represents vertical motion in the wake.



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分野:Engineering, Mechanical



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