Study for the establishment of clearance-level verification methodology in Fugen
北村 高一
; 林 宏一
; 森下 喜嗣
; 坂下 章*; 木野 健一郎*
Kitamura, Koichi; Hayashi, Hirokazu; Morishita, Yoshitsugu; Sakashita, Akira*; Kino, Kenichiro*
In "Fugen", a turbine system equipment is scheduled to be done in the clearance when it is dismantled for the decommissioning. It is necessary to establish the Clearance examining and approving technique like the method of evaluating the radiation level of the setting of the scaling factor according to the contaminated condition of "Fugen" in advance. The task that undertook the analysis, the evaluation result, and the examining and approving technique establishment of the radiation level for the clearance examining and approving technique establishment that "Fugen" had executed so far and the plan for the future were arranged.