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Study on swelling for Austenitic steel irradiated by 580 MeV proton

菊地 賢司; 濱口 大; 斎藤 滋   

Kikuchi, Kenji; Hamaguchi, Dai; Saito, Shigeru

陽子ビームを照射したオーステナイトステンレス鋼の透過電子顕微鏡観察について述べた。条件は2ケースで照射量,照射温度,He生成量がそれぞれ10dpa, 623K, 800appmと20dpa, 693K, 1800appmである。結果は、バブルが母相に均一に生成し、そのサイズはおおむね2.5nm、転位密度より計算されるスエリング量はいずれも1%以下である。

TEM observation on austenitic stainless steel irradiated by proton beam was reported. Two cases were studied; those are 10 dpa, 623 K and 800 appm, and 20 dpa. 693 K and 1800 appm in irradiation damage, irradiated temperature and Helium gas production, respectively. The results showed that bubbles are formed homogeneously in the matrix and the bubble size is averagely 2.5 nm. Swelling volume is calculated to be less than 0.1% by the bubbles size and the bubble density.



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