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Charge radii in modern macroscopic-microscopic mass models; The Role of dynamic quadrupole deformation

最近の巨視的-微視的質量模型による原子核荷電半径; 動的四重極変形の役割

飯村 秀紀  ; Buchinger, F.*

Iimura, Hideki; Buchinger, F.*

非軸対称変形あるいは非鏡面対称変形(八重極変形)が予想される多数の原子核の荷電半径を、Finite Range Droplet模型にこれらの非対称変形を取入れて計算したところ、実験値との一致が改善された。また、陽子数,中性子数がともに偶数の原子核について、第一励起状態2$$^{+}$$$$gamma$$線遷移確率${it B}$(${it E}$2)あるいはその励起エネルギーから、Finite Range Liquid Drop模型を用いて半経験的にこれらの原子核の荷電半径を計算する手法を開発した。

For the nuclei where axially asymmetric or reflection-asymmetric shapes are expected, we calculated the nuclear charge radii by using the Finite Range Droplet Model. As a result, we found the agreement between the experimental and theoretical radii becomes better when these asymmetries are taken into account in the model calculation. In addition, we developed a method to empirically calculate the charge radii of even-even nuclei. This method is based on the Finite Range Liquid Drop Model, and use the experimental ${it B}$(${it E}$2) value or the excitation energy of the first excited 2$$^{+}$$ state as input parameters.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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