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Status of IFMIF EVEDA, one year after its start-up

IFMIF EVEDAの開始後1年間を経た現状

杉本 昌義; Garin, P.*; Vermare, C.*; 神藤 勝啓   ; Gr$"o$schel, F.*; 中村 和幸 ; Molla, J.*; Arnaud, J.*

Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Garin, P.*; Vermare, C.*; Shinto, Katsuhiro; Gr$"o$schel, F.*; Nakamura, Kazuyuki; Molla, J.*; Arnaud, J.*


One year has passed after the start of the Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF/EVEDA), which is a project performed under the Broader Approach Agreement of the fusion energy research between Japan and Europe. The project team to manage the overall activities was established at Rokkasho in Japan, and 12 people are working for planning and scheduling of whole project plan and for coordinating the annual work programs. In this year the management tools like WBS are defined and the detailed engineering design works are ready to start. However, as the collaboration between the project team and each contributing institutes in Japan and Europe is important to complete the fully integrated design of the IFMIF, a high level of the communication and sharing of information and knowledge is necessary to be established. The workshop like meeting is a good opportunity to discuss about the issues by all contributors at a single place. In the first meeting held in September the details of requirements/specifications for neutron generation, including ion beam - liquid lithium target - neutron irradiation capsule, concerned in their interfaces were defined.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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