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Mechanisms of reduction in hole concentration in Al-implanted p-type 6H-SiC by 1 MeV electron irradiation


松浦 秀治*; 井澤 圭亮*; 蓑原 伸正*; 大島 武

Matsuura, Hideharu*; Izawa, Keisuke*; Minohara, Nobumasa*; Oshima, Takeshi


The reduction in hole concentration ($$p$$) in Al-implanted $$p$$-type 6H-SiC due to 1 MeV electron irradiation was studied. By analysis of $$p$$, the acceptor density ($$N_{A}$$), its ionizing energy ($$E_{A}$$) and nature of the acceptor are determined. As a result, the acceptor observed in this study is assigned to an Al acceptor. $$E_{A}$$ is independent of irradiation fluence ($$Phi$$), in spite that $$N_{A}$$ is strongly dependent on $$Phi$$. We derived an analytical expression for the fluence dependence of $$N_{A}$$ and we estimated the removal coefficient (i.e., removal cross-section) of $$N_{A}$$ to be 6.4$$times$$10$$^{18}$$ cm$$^{2}$$ for 1 MeV electron irradiation. The reduction in p due to electron irradiation is found to be mainly due to the decrease in $$N_{A}$$, not to the increase in the density of defects with deep-level, because the decrease in $$N_{A}$$ is much larger than the increment in the density of deep-level defects.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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