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Development and design for Mo-production facility in JMTR


飯村 光一 ; 細川 甚作; 出雲 寛互; 堀 直彦 ; 中川 哲也; 菅野 勝; 河村 弘

Iimura, Koichi; Hosokawa, Jinsaku; Izumo, Hironobu; Hori, Naohiko; Nakagawa, Tetsuya; Kanno, Masaru; Kawamura, Hiroshi


At Oarai Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) being advanced is the plan of refurbishing Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) to start the operation in FY 2011. As one of effective use of the JMTR, JAEA has a plan to product $$^{99}$$Mo, a parent nuclide of $$^{99m}$$Tc. $$^{99m}$$Tc is most commonly used as a radiopharmaceutical in the field of nuclear medicine. Currently the supplying of $$^{99}$$Mo depends only on imports from foreign countries, therefore JAEA is aiming at domestic production of a part of $$^{99}$$Mo in cooperation with industrial users. As JAEA's activities, mentioned are the process, the selection and fabric of the irradiation facilities for $$^{99}$$Mo production, the technical study of commercializing equipment after irradiation, and the cost evaluation for $$^{99}$$Mo production.



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