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量子ビームが切り拓く未来,2; バイオ・環境・エネルギーに貢献する荷電粒子・RI利用研究

Quantum beams open up the future, 2

南波 秀樹; 田中 淳; 伊藤 久義

Namba, Hideki; Tanaka, Atsushi; Ito, Hisayoshi


The outline of the quantum beam applied research, which attracts world-wide attention in recent years as a key technology for innovation, was introduced in the previous review article. The researches using charged particles and radio-isotopes (RIs), namely with $$gamma$$ rays, electron beams and ion beams, have the longest history in the application of quantum beam technology, and the results were used in wide range of activities in the fields of industry, agriculture and health care, as well as academic field. In this paper, the applications using charged particles and RIs in the fields of biotechnology, medical application, environment and energy will be introduced.



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