※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Towards the completion of JENDL-4; Current status of integral test

JENDL-4の完成に向けて; 積分テストの実施状況

千葉 豪; 奥村 啓介 

Chiba, Go; Okumura, Keisuke


We performed an integral test of the preliminary version of JENDL-4 for thermal and fast neutron systems. The preliminary version of JENDL-4 shows very good performance on neutronics calculations for both thermal and fast neutron systems. In addition, we estimated an impact of Am-241 (n,g) cross section in thermal energy range on characteristic of thermal neutron systems, and concluded that large value of Am-241 (n,g) cross section is desirable from a view point of integral data.



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