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Report No.

Current status on research and development of uranium crystallization system in advanced aqueous reprocessing of FaCT project

Shibata, Atsuhiro  ; Kaji, Naoya; Nakahara, Masaumi; Yano, Kimihiko ; Tayama, Toshimitsu; Nakamura, Kazuhito; Washiya, Tadahiro ; Myochin, Munetaka; Chikazawa, Takahiro*; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*

As a part of FaCT project, Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been developing a U crystallization process for advanced aqueous reprocessing technology in collaboration with Mitsubishi Materials Corporation. We have carried out experimental studies and obtained fundamental data. Continuous operation tests were also carried out by an engineering-scale crystallizer to confirm productivity of the equipment and to investigate non-steady state conditions. The requirements for the U crystallization process in the FaCT project could be achieved except DF of Cs. More detail investigation is under way to settle the process condition without Pu-Cs double salt formation.



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