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Preliminary study on water analyzer with optical measurement under neutron irradiation environment

北岸 茂  ; 稲葉 良知  ; 土谷 邦彦 ; 石塚 悦男   

Kitagishi, Shigeru; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Ishitsuka, Etsuo


In the internal environment of nuclear reactors, it is considered that the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of a structural material is caused with the dissolved oxygen and hydrogen peroxide produced by radiation degradation of water. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the concentrations of these corrosive chemical species in the cooling water for assessing health and lifetime extension of the structural material. The in-situ water analyzer has been developed for the concentration measurement of corrosive chemical species. This device is composed of the spectrometer and chemical sensor, and the concentrations are evaluated by the intensity of the absorption and luminescence of the chemical species in the reactor water. In this study, the preliminary test of the in-situ water analyzer was carried out under the normal temperature and pressure, and optical transmission through the optical fiber was measured with the guide tube.



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