High-peak-power, high-contrast OPCPA/Ti:sapphire hybrid laser system
桐山 博光; 森 道昭; 大東 出; 小瀧 秀行; 金沢 修平; 近藤 修司; 中井 善基; 下村 拓也; 田上 学*; 圷 敦; 岡田 大; 本村 朋洋*; 大道 博行; Bulanov, S. V.; 木村 豊秋*
Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Mori, Michiaki; Daito, Izuru; Kotaki, Hideyuki; Kanazawa, Shuhei; Kondo, Shuji; Nakai, Yoshiki; Shimomura, Takuya; Tanoue, Manabu*; Akutsu, Atsushi; Okada, Hajime; Motomura, Tomohiro*; Daido, Hiroyuki; Bulanov, S. V.; Kimura, Toyoaki*
We report on a high-contrast, high-intensity Ti:sapphire laser system using an optical parametric chirped-pulse (OPCPA) pre-amplifier. By injecting cleaned microjoule seed pulses into the OPCPA, a temporal contrast greater than 10
within picosecond times before the main femtosecond pulse is demonstrated with an output pulse energy of 1.7 J and a pulse duration of 30 fs, corresponding to a peak power of 60 TW at a 10 Hz repetition rate. This system uses a cryogenically-cooled Ti:sapphire final amplifier and generates focused peak intensities in excess of 10