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Analyses on the transition scenarios to FBR cycle with consideration of nuclear supply chain

塩谷 洋樹; 小野 清 ; 小川 隆; 安松 直人*; 辺田 正則*; 石黒 純一*

Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Ogawa, Takashi; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Heta, Masanori*; Ishiguro, Junichi*


An analysis tool to assess the characteristics of transition period from current LWR cycle to FBR cycle has been developed with consideration of nuclear supply chain. This study surveyed the effect of difference of FRs' breeding ratios (1.1 and 1.2) in the early stages of deploymnet on the economics from the . The Preliminary analysis showed there was not large discrepancy in economics between the FR cycles with different breeding ratios.



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