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Optimization of relocation decisions using the method of probabilistic accident consequence assessment


高原 省五  ; 本間 俊充

Takahara, Shogo; Homma, Toshimitsu


Relocation is one of the long-term protective actions in case of nuclear emergency to mitigate the consequences of an accidental release of radionuclides. In Publ.63, ICRP optimized relocation in terms of a maximization of the net benefit achieved by relocation. Now, the new ICRP recommendation (Publ.103) suggest a new concept to optimize a protective strategy which focuses on the residual dose after the actions are taken. The existing method which is used in Publ.63 is not appropriate one for this concept. In this study, we have estimated the residual dose using the method of probabilistic accident consequence assessment, and optimized relocation in terms of a minimization of the cost needed to reduce the risks.



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