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Tuning hydrogen production during oxide irradiation through surface grafting


Alam, M.*; Miserque, F.*; 田口 光正; Boulanger, L.*; Renault, J. P.*

Alam, M.*; Miserque, F.*; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Boulanger, L.*; Renault, J. P.*


The production of molecular hydrogen in the radiolysis with TiO$$_{2}$$ grafted silica has been carefully studied using 10 MeV electrons. In all cases, H$$_{2}$$ yield increases linearly with absorbed dose. Under the irradiation it was observed that with the increasing number of titanium dioxide deposition cycle a decrease in dihydrogen production were observed. A faster decrease in dihydrogen production was observed with a very small amount of titanium dioxide deposition i.e with an average thickness of 0.1 nm as measured by XPS. The productions of H$$_{2}$$ were found to be decreased almost by 50 % with a TiO$$_{2}$$ thickness at around 1 nm.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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