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Report No.

Investigation of neutron filter method using the research reactor JRR-3 for uniformity irradiation system; Technological examination to expand productivity of Neutron Transmutation Doping Silicon (NTD-Si) (Joint research)

Takeuchi, Masaki; Magome, Hirokatsu; Komeda, Masao   ; Kawasaki, Kozo*

Japan Research Reactor No.3 (JRR-3) has been providing Neutron Transmutation Doping Silicon (NTD-Si). Though the inverse method is employed for producing NTD-Si in JRR-3, it is possible to increase the production rate of NTD-Si by using the neutron filter method. As the result, the prospect that the neutron filter method was able to develop without changing a geometrical size of NTD-Si facility in JRR3 was obtained.



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