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Preliminary study on the selection of appropriate zeolite for refining chlorides melt

天本 一平; 明珍 宗孝; 林 滋生*; 小笠原 正剛*; 加藤 純雄*; 中田 真一*

Amamoto, Ippei; Myochin, Munetaka; Hayashi, Shigeo*; Ogasawara, Masataka*; Kato, Sumio*; Nakata, Shinichi*


Zeolites as functional materials, possessing various excellent actions, have been developed widely their use in the general industrial circles. The objective of this study is to apply their good properties, i.e. the sorptive action and heat resistance to refine the chlorides melt called "spent electrolyte" generated during pyroreprocessing in the nuclear industrial field. Preliminary experiment was carried out to select a higher sorptive efficiency zeolite. The result found Faujasite as well as LTA potentially good FP sorbent. Trough continued investigation, technical development toward zeolites' greater occluding ability of FP and its stability will be our next step.



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