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緊急時における防護措置の被ばく低減効果に関する研究,1; 避難施設の建築材料と構造に関する調査

Study on radiation shielding effect of protective actions in nuclear emergency, 1; Survey on the building constructure and material for evacuation facilities

高原 省五  ; 木村 仁宣 ; 本間 俊充; 小栗 朋美*

Takahara, Shogo; Kimura, Masanori; Homma, Toshimitsu; Oguri, Tomomi*


Sheltering is one of protective actions which is carried out in a nuclear emergency. In order to estimate the radiation shielding effect of evacuation facilities, we have investigated building materials and structures of the facilities which are listed in regional disaster prevention plan for nuclear emergency of Shimane prefecture. we also developed the method of the estimation of radiation shielding effect on the basis of these information.



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