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緊急時における防護措置の被ばく低減効果に関する研究,2; 避難施設の遮へい係数評価

Study on radiation shielding effect of protective actions in nuclear emergency, 2; Evaluation of radiation shielding factor of evacuation facilities

小栗 朋美*; 高原 省五  ; 木村 仁宣 ; 本間 俊充

Oguri, Tomomi*; Takahara, Shogo; Kimura, Masanori; Homma, Toshimitsu


The subject of this study is to estimate radiation shielding factor of evacuation facilities which is listed in regional disaster prevention plan for nuclear emergency of Shimane Prefecture. Using MCNP5 code, we have made calculation in the basis of the information collected from architect's blueprint of evacuation facilities.



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