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Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Symposium on Nuclear Data (NDS 2008); November 20-21, 2008, Ricotti, Tokai, Japan

2008年度核データ研究会(NDS 2008)報告集; 2008年11月20日$$sim$$21日,テクノ交流館リコッティー,東海村

千葉 敏

Chiba, Satoshi


The annual nuclear data symposium, organized by the Nuclear Data Division of Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) was held at Ricotti, Tokai, on Nov. 20 and 21, 2008 in cooperation with Advanced Science Research Center of JAEA and under final support from North-Kanto Branch of AESJ. The symposium was devoted for discussions and presentations of research results in wide variety of fields related to nuclear data, including 2 tutorial talks. Talks as well as posters presented at the symposium aroused lively discussions among approximately 80 participants. This report contains 36 papers submitted from the talkers and poster presenters.



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