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Engineering design of RFQ at J-PARC linac

森下 卓俊  ; 近藤 恭弘   ; 長谷川 和男; 内藤 富士雄*; 吉岡 正和*; 松本 浩*; 堀 洋一郎*; 川又 弘史*; 齊藤 芳男*; 馬場 斉*; 飯野 陽弼*

Morishita, Takatoshi; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Naito, Fujio*; Yoshioka, Masakazu*; Matsumoto, Hiroshi*; Hori, Yoichiro*; Kawamata, Hiroshi*; Saito, Yoshio*; Baba, Hiroshi*; Iino, Yosuke*


The beam commissioning of J-PARC linac has been started since November 2006. After the scheduled shutdown in summer 2007, the beam is successfully delivered from the linac to the RCS. Since then, a stable beam provision was emphasized. However, the trip in the RFQ was increased at the end of Sept. 2008, then, the stability of the beam operation decreased. To improve this situation, we started to prepare a new RFQ cavity as a backup machine. The basic concept of the engineering design is the simplicity and the effective vacuum pumping aiming at the stable operation. A 3m long cavity is divided into 3 modules longitudinally. A numerical control machining with ball-end mill is chosen for a vane machining. Four vanes are vacuum brazed each other after machining. Each modules are aligned on the platform using a linear motion guide. A basic design of the key components on machining and brazing are described in this proceeding.



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