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 年 ~ 

Age-momentum correlation measurements of positron annihilation in water; Possibility of quantum beats on ortho-positronium reactions

水の陽電子消滅寿命-運動量相関測定; オルソーポジトロニウム反応における量子ビートの可能性

平出 哲也  

Hirade, Tetsuya


Quantum beats were detected in the reaction of electron-spin-correlated pairs of ortho-positronium and hydroxyl radical. Singlet ortho-positronium and hydroxyl radical pairs were generated in positron radiolysis of water molecules. The singlet-triplet transition caused via the hyperfine coupling of every radical affects the rate of the radical reaction, and then affects the rate of the competing reaction, the spin conversion reaction between ortho-positronium and hydroxyl radical. Spin conversion of ortho-positronium can possibly be detected using positron annihilation age-momentum correlation (AMOC) measurements, and time resolved annihilation $$gamma$$-ray energy distribution observed using AMOC measurements did successfully reveal quantum beats in water. The results supported the two-state model of water structure.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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