※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of the ITER toroidal field coil winding pack in Japan

ITER TFコイル巻線部の開発

小泉 徳潔; 中嶋 秀夫; 松井 邦浩; 辺見 努; 高野 克敏; 奥野 清; 長谷川 満*; 角井 日出雄*; 仙田 郁夫*

Koizumi, Norikiyo; Nakajima, Hideo; Matsui, Kunihiro; Hemmi, Tsutomu; Takano, Katsutoshi; Okuno, Kiyoshi; Hasegawa, Mitsuru*; Kakui, Hideo*; Senda, Ikuo*


JAEA, as the JADA, signed PA for 9 ITER TF coil in 2008. The WP of the TF coil consists of seven DPs and each of DPs has a RP. The conductor is inserted in a groove of a RP and CP is welded to fix the conductor. Since flatness of 2 mm is required for a RP after welding of CPs, laser welding will be used. The tight tolerance of the CP, such as 0.3 mm, is necessary. Machining of a CP from a plate is technically promising method to satisfy the required tight tolerance. However, the machining is time consuming, resulting in penalty of high cost. Therefore, the authors study the feasibility of manufacture of a CP by new method to reduce the cost. A straight CP can be fabricated by hot-rolling and cold-drawing with sufficiently high accuracy, such as $$pm$$0.1 mm. In addition, the curved CP can be obtained by bending this straight CP with the accuracy of 0.3 mm. Thus, it is concluded that the feasibility of manufacture of the straight and curved CPs with high accuracy can be demonstrated. From these results, JAEA begins trial manufacture of the proto RP and CPs from 2009.



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分野:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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