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Fuel pin behavior under slow-ramp-type transient-overpower conditions in the CABRI-FAST experiments


深野 義隆  ; 小野田 雄一 ; 佐藤 一憲 ; Charpenel, J.*

Fukano, Yoshitaka; Onoda, Yuichi; Sato, Ikken; Charpenel, J.*

In the CABRI-FAST experimental program, four in-pile tests were performed with slow-power-ramptype transient-overpower conditions (called hereafter as "slow TOP") to study transient fuel pin behavior under inadvertent control-rod-withdrawal-type events in liquid-metal-cooled fast breeder reactors. The slow TOP test with a preirradiated solid-pellet fuel pin under a power ramp rate of approximately 3%Po/s was realized as a comparatory test against an existing test in the CABRI-2 program where approximately 1%Po/s was adopted with the same type of fuel pin. In spite of the different power ramp rates, the evaluated fuel thermal conditions at the observed failure time are quite similar. Three slow TOP tests with the preirradiated annular fuel resulted in no pin failure showing a high failure threshold. These CABRI-FAST slow TOP tests, in combination with the existing CABRI and TREAT tests, provided an extended slow TOP test database under various fuel and transient conditions.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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