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 年 ~ 


Study on improvement of reliability on inventory assessment in vitrified waste for long-term safety of geological disposal

石川 真澄*; 金子 悟*; 北山 一美*; 石黒 勝彦*; 植田 浩義*; 若杉 圭一郎*; 篠原 伸夫 ; 奥村 啓介 ; 茅野 政道; 守屋 登康*

Ishikawa, Masumi*; Kaneko, Satoru*; Kitayama, Kazumi*; Ishiguro, Katsuhiko*; Ueda, Hiroyoshi*; Wakasugi, Keiichiro*; Shinohara, Nobuo; Okumura, Keisuke; Chino, Masamichi; Moriya Noriyasu*


Since quality control issues for vitrified waste are defined mainly with the focus on the transport and storage of the waste rather than the long-term safety of geological disposal, they do not cover inventories of long-lived nuclides which are of most interest in the safety assessment of geological disposal. Therefore we suggest a flow chart for assessment of inventories of long-lived nuclides in the vitrified waste focusing on measured value. We started a programme to examine the applicability as well as to improve reliability of nuclide generation/decay code and nuclear data library using liquid waste from spent fuel with clear irradiation history. To solve the issue of quality control for vitrified waste, comprehensive study is needed in aspects not only of geological disposal field but also of operation of nuclear power plant, reprocessing of spent fuel and vitrification of liquid waste. This study is a pioneering study to integrate them.



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