※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Preliminary assessment of flow stability of once-through steam generator by TRAC-BF1

中塚 亨  ; Liu, W.; 吉田 啓之  ; 高瀬 和之

Nakatsuka, Toru; Liu, W.; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Takase, Kazuyuki


To assess the stability of components which comprises parallel channels like steam generators in fast breeder reactors, Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been developing a prediction method for thermal-hydraulic instability based on system analysis code TRAC-BF1. In the present paper, TRAC-BF1 code was modified to simulate both primary and secondary coolant flow with VESSEL component. The calculation model was established and tested with preliminary simulations in which the primary sodium was replaced by high pressure water.



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