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Replacement technology for front acrylic panels of a large-sized glove box using bag-in / bag-out method

桜庭 直敏; 沼田 正美; 古宮 友和; 市瀬 健一 ; 西 雅裕; 冨田 健; 宇佐美 浩二; 遠藤 慎也; 宮田 精一; 黒澤 達也; 川崎 泰; 喜多川 勇; 仲田 祐仁; 石川 明義

Sakuraba, Naotoshi; Numata, Masami; Komiya, Tomokazu; Ichise, Kenichi; Nishi, Masahiro; Tomita, Takeshi; Usami, Koji; Endo, Shinya; Miyata, Seiichi; Kurosawa, Tatsuya; Kawasaki, Yasushi; Kitagawa, Isamu; Nakata, Masahito; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi


As a part of maintenance technology of a large-sized glove box for handling of TRU nuclides, we developed replacement technology for front acrylic panels using the bag-in/bag-out method and applied this technology to replace the deteriorated front acrylic panels at Waste Safety Testing Facility (WASTEF) in Nuclear Science Research Institute of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). As a consequence, we could safely replace the front acrylic panels under the condition of continuous negative pressure only with partial decontamination of the glove box. We also demonstrated that the present technology is highly effective in points of safety, workability and cost as compared to the usual replacement technology for front acrylic panels of a glove box, where workers in an air-line suit replace directly the front acrylic panels in a green house.



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