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Dimer-tetramer assembly of nucleoside diphosphate kinase from moderately halophilic bacterium ${it Chromohalobacter salexigens}$ DSM3043; Both residues 134 and 136 are critical for the tetramer assembly

中度好塩菌${it Chromohalobacter salexigens}$ DSM3043由来ヌクレオシド二リン酸キナーゼの二量体-四量体の会合; 四量体会合における134及び136番目残基の重要性

徳永 廣子*; 伊豆津 健一*; 新井 栄揮; 米澤 悌; 黒木 良太; 荒川 力*; 徳永 正雄*

Tokunaga, Hiroko*; Izutsu, Kenichi*; Arai, Shigeki; Yonezawa, Yasushi; Kuroki, Ryota; Arakawa, Tsutomu*; Tokunaga, Masao*

本論文では中度好塩菌${it Chromohalobacter salexigens}$由来CsNDKの多量体構造にかかわる134及び136番目残基の役割について議論する。CsNDKのGly134やGlu136をAlaやThrに置換した数種類の変異蛋白質を調製し、それらの会合状態を比較した結果、134及び136番目残基の両者がCsNDKのサブユニットの会合に寄与していることが明らかになった。Gly134をAla、Glu136をThrに置換したCsNDK/ANTでは、Ala134が疎水性クラスターを形成することで二量体-二量体の会合が安定化することが判明した。

Both wild-type nucleoside diphosphate kinase from moderately halophilc ${it Chromohalobacter salexigens}$ (CsNDK (GNE), GNE represents Gly134-Asn135-Glu136) and mutant CsNDK (ANE), both of which have a neutral amino acid at residue 134, were found to form a dimer. These constructs contain Glu136, which may also cause steric barrier and charge repulsion. A double mutant, CsNDK (ANT), having Thr at 136 resulted in stable tetrameric assembly, supporting the above notion. A mutant CsNDK (GNT) reverted, however, to a dimer again, indicating that the introduced Ala residue at 134th in the double mutant generated a hydrophobic cluster consisting of the Ala residues and thereby stabilized dimer-dimer association of CsNDK assembly, while Gly destabilized it due to the loss of this cluster. Based on these observations, it is evident that both residues 134 and 136 contribute to the subunit assembly of CsNDK.



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分野:Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology



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