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Comparison of Monte Carlo calculation methods for effective delayed neutron fraction


長家 康展  ; 千葉 豪; 森 貴正; Irwanto, D.*; 中島 健*

Nagaya, Yasunobu; Chiba, Go; Mori, Takamasa; Irwanto, D.*; Nakajima, Ken*


Monte Carlo calculation methods to estimate the effective delayed neutron fraction $$beta_mathrm{eff}$$ are investigated: One is proposed by Meulekamp et al. and the other is by Nauchi et al. It is revealed that both the methods calculate the delayed neutron fraction weighted with the importance functions defined by Kobayashi. The accuracy of the methods are also examined for several simple benchmark systems. Consequently, it is found that Meulekamp's method causes $$sim$$5% discrepancies in the $$beta_mathrm{eff}$$ values for fast systems; Nauchi's method gives good results for fast bare systems but $$sim$$10% discrepancies for fast reflected systems. Both the methods calculate the $$beta_mathrm{eff}$$ values approximately within the accuracy of $$sim$$2% for thermal systems.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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