※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

JMTRを使った軽水炉燃料及び材料照射試験,4; 照射誘起応力腐食割れ及び水化学試験

Fuels and materials irradiation tests using JMTR, 4; In-pile tests for irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) and water chemistry

知見 康弘; 塙 悟史 ; 伊勢 英夫; 川口 佳彦; 加治 芳行  ; 塚田 隆 ; 中島 甫; 西山 裕孝 ; 中村 武彦 

Chimi, Yasuhiro; Hanawa, Satoshi; Ise, Hideo; Kawaguchi, Yoshihiko; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Tsukada, Takashi; Nakajima, Hajime; Nishiyama, Yutaka; Nakamura, Takehiko


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has a plan of irradiation tests by using Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR), in order to evaluate the effects of change of materials and water chemistry caused by the neutron/$$gamma$$-ray irradiation on the integrity of in-core structural materials for light water reactors (LWRs). In the present study, we are planning the in-pile tests for irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) and water chemistry, focusing on the irradiation effects not only of materials but also of water environment (radiolysis of water). The outline of the test conditions will be reported.



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