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Geomorphic evolution in the Horonobe area, Hokkaido, northern Japan

新里 忠史  ; 重野 聖之*; 宮坂 省吾*; 小板橋 重一*

Niizato, Tadafumi; Shigeno, Kiyoyuki*; Miyasaka, Shogo*; Koitabashi, Shigekazu*


A critical issue to assess the long-term safety of geological disposal system is to demonstrate the stability of the geosphere, taking into account its likely future evolution over geological time. In this study, we have constructed the conceptual models for geomorphic evolution in the Horonobe area, Hokkaido, northern Japan based on the results of air-photographic interpretation, topographic and geological surveys, age-determination of landforms and sedimentary formations, and pollen analysis. The landforms in the area have been evolving under the control of not only a climate as external factor but also surface geology which the landform had developed.



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