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Report No.

Detection and temporal variation of $$^{60}$$Co in the digestive glands of the common octopus, ${it Octopus vulgaris}$, in the East China Sea

Morita, Takami*; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi  ; Fujimoto, Ken*; Nishiuchi, Ko*; Kimoto, Katsunori*; Yamada, Haruya*; Kasai, Hiromi*; Minakawa, Masayuki*; Yoshida, Katsuhiko*

Significant concentrations of $$^{60}$$Co, $$^{137}$$Cs and $$^{108m}$$Ag were detected in common octopus specimens collected in the East China Sea during two periods, 1986-1989 and 1996-2005. The radionuclides detected in the former period were thought to originate from the global fallout. On the other hand, the source of $$^{60}$$Co in the latter period has remained unclear because the $$^{60}$$Co concentration decreased continuously with shorter half-lives than the physical half-lives. This tendency suggests that the source of $$^{60}$$Co in 1996-2005 was identical and was temporary supplied to the East China Sea. Investigations of common octopus in the other area indicated that the origin of the pollutant source of $$^{60}$$Co in 1996-2005 occurred locally in the restricted area in the East China Sea rather than in the coastal area of Japan.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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