多入力を受ける配管の応答挙動に関する考察,1; 2点支持された配管供試体の応答
Investigation on response behavior of piping subjected to multiple input, 1; Response of piping model supported by two point
渡壁 智祥; 北村 誠司 ; 月森 和之; 森泉 真*; 宮本 明倫*; 森下 正樹
Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Kitamura, Seiji; Tsukimori, Kazuyuki; Moriizumi, Makoto*; Miyamoto, Akinori*; Morishita, Masaki
Piping in a nuclear power plant puts across each floor at the same building or between two buildings, and it has many supported points. Therefore, the piping should be as a model subjected to multiple inputs in seismic analysis, but there isn't almost knowledge concerned with analysis for multiple inputs. In this paper, the analysis by using TDOF model having two supported points, and the shaking test by using U-bend piping test piece having two supported points was performed to investigate response of piping subjected to multiple inputs. As a result, the possibility of response analysis for piping subjected to multiple inputs was confirmed.