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 年 ~ 

O(1s) photodissociation dynamics of gas-phase H$$_2$$O


Harries, J.; 下條 竜夫*; 國分 美希*; 本間 健二*; 大浦 正樹*; Sullivan, J. P.*; 東 善郎*

Harries, J.; Gejo, Tatsuo*; Kuniwake, Miki*; Homma, Kenji*; Oura, Masaki*; Sullivan, J. P.*; Azuma, Yoshiro*


Photo-excitation of the O 1s electron in H$$_2$$O can lead to the production of neutral, excited H atoms. Knowledge of the excited state distribution provides information on the dissociation dynamics process. Excitation of the O 1s electron leads to a H$$_2$$O$$^+$$ ion core. Auger decay subsequently leads to H$$_2$$O$$^{2+}$$, which dissociates, and one of the fragments can capture the initially excited electron. If this fragment is H$$^+$$, excited neutral H atoms are formed. In this research we use pulsed synchrotron radiation as the excitation source, and detect the UV fluorescence emitted when the excited H atoms decay. Analysis of the decay lifetimes leads to information on the excited state distribution.



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