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Report No.

Assessing the role of RecA protein in the radioresistant bacterium ${it Deinococcus geothermalis}$

Sghaier, H.*; Sato, Katsuya; Oba, Hirofumi*; Narumi, Issei

The moderately thermophilic bacterium ${it Deinococcus geothermalis}$ exhibits extraordinary resistance to ionizing radiation. RecA protein is considered to be one of the most important participants in radioresistance. To assess the role of the RecA protein in ${it D. geothermalis}$, the ${it recA}$ gene was isolated from ${it D. geothermalis}$ and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. After the ${it D. geothermalis}$ RecA protein (GeoRecA) was purified, the recombination activity was investigated ${it in vitro}$. GeoRecA most efficiently promoted the strand exchange reaction between homologous linear double-stranded DNA and circular single-stranded DNA substrates at 50$$^{circ}$$C. Like ${it D. radiodurans}$ RecA protein (DraRecA), GeoRecA could promote DNA strand exchange reaction ${it via}$ normal and inverse pathways. Furthermore, GeoRecA complemented the RecA deficiency of ${it D. radiodurans}$. These results indicate that GeoRecA is a functional homologue of DraRecA and plays an important role in radioresistance. However, unlike DraRecA, GeoRecA could not complement the RecA deficiency of ${it E. coli}$, suggesting that GeoRecA require more strict intracellular conditions than DraRecA does to fulfill its function.



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