※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Superconducting transition temperature and the thickness of CuO$$_{2}$$ planes of Na$$_{x}$$CoO$$_{2}$$$$cdot$$yH$$_{2}$$O


茂吉 武人*; 小林 義明*; 安井 幸夫*; 佐藤 正俊*; 加倉井 和久

Moyoshi, Taketo*; Kobayashi, Yoshiaki*; Yasui, Yukio*; Sato, Masatoshi*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa

The superconductivity of Na$$_{x}$$CoO$$_{2}$$$$cdot$$yH$$_{2}$$O appears in two regions of $$^{59}$$Co-nuclear quadrupole frequency $$nu$$$$_{rm Q}$$ divided by a narrow non-superconducting phase in the Tc-$$nu$$$$_{rm Q}$$ phase diagram. Specific heat measurements on several samples with different $$nu$$$$_{rm Q}$$ values distributing over both the superconducting $$nu$$$$_{rm Q}$$ regions and neutron inelastic experiments on aligned crystals of Na$$_{x}$$CoO$$_{2}$$$$cdot$$yD$$_{2}$$O are performed to investigate the origin of the phase diagram. The obtained results are consistent with the singlet pairing picture.



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分野:Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear



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