J-PARC Linac, RCSにおけるEPICSレコード命名規則の策定; ユニークで規格化された名前の構築手順
Formulation of EPICS record naming conventions in J-PARC Linac and RCS; Build process of unique and standardized name
福田 真平; 渡邉 和彦*; 榊 泰直; 高橋 博樹 ; 川瀬 雅人; 菊澤 信宏
Fukuta, Shimpei; Watanabe, Kazuhiko*; Sakaki, Hironao; Takahashi, Hiroki; Kawase, Masato; Kikuzawa, Nobuhiro
J-PARC accelerator devices are controlled by the use of the software called EPICS. The unique name called an EPICS record is given to a control signal and data acquisition, Accelerator device control are achieved using the EPICS record. The requirement for the EPICS record name is 2 points; (1) no overlap of the EPICS record name, (2) the control contents can be easily imagined from the EPICS record name. To manage the EPICS record using relational database for the information management of the accelerator device in J-PARC, it is required to compose that a mechanical process can be performed easily. It was necessary to standardize the EPICS record name and the EPICS record structure to achieve these requirements. Therefore, we have formulated a guideline called "EPICS record naming conventions" to decide to an EPICS record name uniquely and standardization.