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Orientation of B-C-N hybrid films deposited on Ni (111) and polycrystalline Ti substrates explored by X-ray absorption spectroscopy


Mannan, M. A.; 馬場 祐治  ; 木田 徹也*; 永野 正光*; 下山 巖   ; 平尾 法恵; 野口 英行*

Mannan, M. A.; Baba, Yuji; Kida, Tetsuya*; Nagano, Masamitsu*; Shimoyama, Iwao; Hirao, Norie; Noguchi, Hideyuki*


Orientation of BCN hybrid films synthesized on Ni (111) and Ti substrates by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition has been investigated. Formation of the $$sp$$$$^{2}$$-BCN hybrids was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Raman spectra also suggested the presence of graphite-like $$sp$$$$^{2}$$-BCN hybrid bonds. Orientation and local structures of the films were studied by the near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) measurements using synchrotron radiation. The B K-edge NEXAFS spectra revealed the preferred formation of the $$sp$$$$^{2}$$-BCN hybrid configuration around the B atoms like-BN$$_{3}$$ on Ni (111). It was revealed that the BCN film is parallel to the surface on Ni(111). On the other hand, the film is randomly oriented on Ti surface. It was suggested that the chemical reactivity of the metal surface affects the orientation of the BCN hybrid film.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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