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Quick observation of photoelectron emission microscopy with focused soft X-rays using poly-capillary lens


平尾 法恵; 馬場 祐治  ; 関口 哲弘  ; 下山 巖   

Hirao, Norie; Baba, Yuji; Sekiguchi, Tetsuhiro; Shimoyama, Iwao


Photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM) is recently developed powerful tool to observe surface morphology of material at nanometer scale. In the previous study, we have developed PEEM system combined with soft X-rays from synchrotron light source, and demonstrated that the method can be applied to the observation on chemical states at nanometer scale. Generally, it takes minutes or seconds to observe an image of a static sample by PEEM. In order to observe fast phenomena such as surface diffusion and chemical reaction dynamics at solid surfaces, it is necessary to take a PEEM images in shorter time. For this purpose, we have to focus the X-rays on a small spot where PEEM images are taken. A poly-capillary lens is recently developed simple focusing tool for X-ray, proposed by Kumakhov et.al. Here we present the results for quick PEEM measurements in the order of milli-second using poly-capillary lens.



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