※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Inter-atomic force constants from correlation effects among thermal displacement of atoms in PbTe


Xianglian*; 佐久間 隆*; Mohapatra, S. R.*; 上原 寛之*; 高橋 東之*; 神嶋 修*; 井川 直樹   

Xianglian*; Sakuma, Takashi*; Mohapatra, S. R.*; Uehara, Hiroyuki*; Takahashi, Haruyuki*; Kamishima, Osamu*; Igawa, Naoki

10K及び294KにおけるPbTeの中性子散漫散乱実験を行った結果、PbTeの散乱強度の振動項は原子の熱変位における相関効果によって説明できることを明らかにした。相関効果とDebye-Waller温度因子から計算した294Kにおける第1近接原子間の力定数は$$alpha$$ $$_{rm Pb-Te}$$=215eV/nm$$^{2}$$と、第2近接原子間のそれは、各々$$alpha$$ $$_{rm Pb-Pb}$$=108eV/nm$$^{2}$$及び$$alpha$$ $$_{rm Te-Te}$$=144eV/nm$$^{2}$$と求めることができた。

Diffuse neutron scattering measurements have been performed on powder PbTe at 10 and 294 K. Oscillatory diffuse scattering intensity is clearly observed at 294 K. Oscillatory form of the diffuse neutron scattering intensity for PbTe was explained on inclusion of correlation effects among thermal displacements of atoms. From the values of correlation effects and Debye-Waller temperature parameter, force constants among the first nearest neighboring atoms was calculated, $$alpha$$ $$_{rm Pb-Te}$$ = 215 eV/nm$$^{2}$$, and the second ones were $$alpha$$ $$_{rm Pb-Pb}$$ =108 eV/nm$$^{2}$$ and $$alpha$$ $$_{rm Te-Te}$$ = 144 eV/nm$$^{2}$$ at 294 K.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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