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Report No.

In situ stress measurements at 250m gallery off the ventilation shaft

Nakamura, Takahiro; Sanada, Hiroyuki; Sugita, Yutaka ; Kato, Harumi*

For the purpose of studying the in situ state of stress around Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory, hydraulic fracturing technique was carried out three boreholes drilled from the 250m gallery located near the bottom of the ventilation shaft. The results of the measurements are summarized as follows. Shut-in pressure of inclined transverse cracks and the circumferential position of longitudinal cracks on the wellbore surface were used to determine the magnitude and orientation of principal stress around the 250m gallery on the assumption that all of the target zones of hydraulic fracturing were in a uniform stress state. The determined in situ stress state showed a little difference of magnitude between intermediate stress and minimum stress. The vertical component of the in situ stress was evaluated to be about a half of the overburden at the test site. The maximum principal stress was inclined to about 40 degrees from the level with azimuth of NE orientation.



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