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温泉に溶けている金属は将来の資源になりえるか?; 温泉からの金属資源回収技術とその可能性

The Metal dissolved in hot springs can be used as a future resource?

瀬古 典明

Seko, Noriaki


There are approximately 3000 hot springs which have been useful for the balneotherapy and relaxation of Japanese people. We found that hot spring water contained significant metals such as scandium (Sc) and vanadium. The concentration of scandium dissolved in the Yukawa River, which is located in Kusatsu Town, Gunma, Japan is 17 mg-Sc/ton; this level corresponds to 1.2 tons for daily stream. We have developed fibrous Sc adsorbents which is capable of selectively collecting scandium from hot spring water. Scandium recovery was carried out by using the Sc adsorbent that was packed into a column of 155 mm in inner diameter and 500 mm in height. Equipment with two such columns was placed at the riverside of the Yukawa River. The adsorption equipment could be scaled up from lab scale to pilot scale with maintaining the recovery performance. We found that this equipment was capable of collecting 200 g/yr of scandium per column from hot spring water.



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