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Eddy current-adjusted plasma shape reconstruction by Cauchy condition surface method on QUEST


中村 一男*; Jiang, Y.*; Liu, X.*; 御手洗 修*; 栗原 研一; 川俣 陽一; 末岡 通治; 長谷川 真*; 徳永 和俊*; 図子 秀樹*; 花田 和明*; 藤澤 彰英*; 坂本 瑞樹*; 出射 浩*; 川崎 昌二*; 中島 寿年*; 東島 亜紀*; 荒木 邦明*

Nakamura, Kazuo*; Jiang, Y.*; Liu, X.*; Mitarai, Osamu*; Kurihara, Kenichi; Kawamata, Yoichi; Sueoka, Michiharu; Hasegawa, Makoto*; Tokunaga, Kazutoshi*; Zushi, Hideki*; Hanada, Kazuaki*; Fujisawa, Akihide*; Sakamoto, Mizuki*; Idei, Hiroshi*; Kawasaki, Shoji*; Nakashima, Hisatoshi*; Higashijima, Aki*; Araki, Kuniaki*

CCS (Cauchy Condition Surface) method is a numerical approach to reproduce plasma shape, which has good precision in conventional tokamak. In order to apply it in plasma shape reproduction of ST (Spherical Tokamak), the calculation precision of the CCS method in CPD ($$B$$$$_{rm t}$$ = 0.25 T, $$R$$ = 0.3 m, $$a$$ = 0.2 m) has been analyzed. The precision was confirmed also in ST and decided to be applied to QUEST ($$B$$$$_{rm t}$$ = 0.25 T, $$R$$ = 0.68 m, $$a$$ = 0.40 m). In present stage from the magnetic measurement, it is known that the eddy current effect is large in QUEST experiment, and there are no special magnetic measurements for eddy current now, so some proper model should be selected to evaluate the eddy current effect. The eddy current density by not only CS (Center Solenoid) coil but also plasma current is calculated using EDDYCAL (JAEA), the eddy currents are taken as unknown variables and solved together with plasma shape reconstruction. The result shows that the CCS method with eddy current adjustment achieves stable, accurate reconstruction of plasma shape in application to QUEST.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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