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 年 ~ 

Feasibility study on mass production of (n,$$gamma$$)$$^{99}$$Mo


Jun, B. J.; 谷本 政隆 ; 木村 明博 ; 堀 直彦 ; 出雲 寛互; 土谷 邦彦 

Jun, B. J.; Tanimoto, Masataka; Kimura, Akihiro; Hori, Naohiko; Izumo, Hironobu; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko


The world is currently suffering from a severe shortage of $$^{99}$$Mo and various R&Ds have been given for its availability. The only but critical shortage of (n,$$gamma$$)$$^{99}$$Mo is its extremely low specific activity, which gives inconveniency in the extraction of $$^{99m}$$Tc and is consequently converted to additional cost. Potential technologies which make the (n,$$gamma$$)$$^{99}$$Mo competitive by reducing the additional cost are already available. Because Japan and Korea import all $$^{99}$$Mo from long distance, the cost benefit of local (n,$$gamma$$)$$^{99}$$Mo production in these countries is especially large. In this report, we studied feasibility of the mass (n,$$gamma$$)$$^{99}$$Mo production from viewpoints of global and regional status of $$^{99}$$Mo demand and supply, competitiveness with other production methods, requirements and flow of the $$^{99}$$Mo, production capability, cost, convenience in usage, and alternative technologies to overcome its shortage.



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