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New apparatus for liquid-liquid extraction, "emulsion flow" extractor


柳瀬 信之; 長縄 弘親  ; 永野 哲志  ; 野呂 純二*

Yanase, Nobuyuki; Naganawa, Hirochika; Nagano, Tetsushi; Noro, Junji*


A simple and low-cost apparatus for continuous and efficient liquid-liquid extraction, which does not need continual mechanical forces (stirring, shaking, etc.) other than solution sending, has newly been developed. This apparatus is composed of a column part where an emulsion state fluid flow (emulsion flow) is generated by spouting micrometer-sized droplets of an aqueous phase into an organic phase and a phase separating part where the emulsion flow is destabilized by means of a sudden decrease in its flow rate. In the present study, the performance of an emulsion flow apparatus in the extraction of Yb(III) and U(VI) from aqueous HNO$$_{3}$$ solutions into isooctane containing D2EHPA was evaluated. The mixing efficiency of the emulsion flow apparatus was found to be comparable with that of a popular liquid-liquid extractor, mixer-settler. Moreover, the emulsion flow apparatus proved to have an overwhelming advantage in terms of phase-separating ability.



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分野:Chemistry, Analytical



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